
14th Ballast Water Treatment System Type Approved by USCG

The list of Ballast Water Management Systems approved by the USCG now offers has a complete range of treatment technologies and ballast water flow rates options.

The Marine Safety Center issued the 14th U.S. Coast Guard Ballast Water Management System Type Approval Certificate to Panasia Co., Ltd. The treatment technology of the GloEn-Patrol BWMS consists of filtration with UV treatment at uptake and discharge. This approval covers models with maximum treatment rated capacities between 50 m3/h and 6,000 m3/h.

See below a list of USCG Type Approved BWMS in order of the date of issued certification:

OBS/OBS Ex, Optimarin (Norway)

PurBallast 3, Alfa Laval (Sweden)

OceanSaver MKII, TeamTec OceanSaver AS (Norway)

BalClor, Sunrui (China)

Ecochlor BWTS, Ecochlor, Inc. (USA)

Erma First FIT, Erma First (Greece)

Electro-Clee , Techcross, Inc. (Republic of Korea)

Purimar, Samsung Heavy Industries Co., (Republic of Korea)

BIO-SEA B, BIO-UV Group (France)

Aquarius EC, Wartsila Water Systems, Ltd. (UK)

HiBallast, Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (Republic of Korea)

OceanGuard, Headway Technology Co., Ltd. (People’s Republic of China)

BallastAce, JFE Engineering Corporation (Japan)

GloEn-Patrol, Panasia Co., Ltd (Republic of Korea)

To see each BWMS USCG Type Approval Certificates with including appendices and previous versions as well as any operating limitations for the system. Go to 

Choice is highly-knowledgeable in BWMS installations over a wide variety of vessel types and each type of ballast water treatment technology. We offer integration engineering and project management services for the shipowner, as well as many for the BWMS manufacturer’s listed above.