
Hyde Marine UV Guardian Acquired by De Nora

There was a lot of movement going on in the ballast water management system (BWMS) marketplace early this month with the acquisition of Calgon Carbon Corporations UV Technologies Division, which included Hyde Marine BWMS, by De Nora. With this procurement De Nora will be able to expand their BWMS product line by combining their BALPURE electrolytic disinfection (EC) BWMS with the Hyde Marine UV GUARDIAN BWMS; Both systems are IMO BWMS Code and USCG Type Approved.

DeNora General Manager, Matt Granitto stated, “[this acquisition] enables us to leverage the respective strengths of De Nora and Hyde Marine’s products, sales channels and manufacturing facilities and to be a true partner to the ship owners and operators by helping them meet regulatory deadlines and supporting them after the sale.”

Read more at MarineLink News