
Singapore Announces Commissioning Testing of BWMS to Begin in September


The Singapore Maritime and Port Authority released a Circular (SHIPPING CIRCULAR NO. 09 OF 2019) for shipowners and operators regarding the new IMO guidance for the commissioning testing of newly installed ballast water management systems (BWMS) for Singapore Registered Ships (SRS).

The purpose of the commissioning test is to verify that the mechanical, physical, chemical and biological processes of the installed BWMS are working properly, taking into account guidelines developed by the IMO.

According to the circular, the commissioning test shall be carried out for BWMS that are installed on board applicable SRS of 400GT and above after September 8, 2019, anything less that 400GT may undergo the commission test on a voluntary basis.

The representative ballast water samples collected for the commissioning test should be analyzed using at least an appropriate indicative analysis method and is considered to be successful if the analysis indicates that the sample does not exceed the D2 standard and the self-monitoring equipment of the BWMS indicates correct operation of all sensors and related equipment.

A written report including methods and detailed results of the commissioning testing should be provided to the attending RO surveyor for verification before an International Ballast Water Management Certificate (IBWMC) can be issued.

To read the entire circular go to

If you have any questions on the new Singapore Maritime and Port Authority Circular on Commissioning Testing or any other ballast water management compliance issues contact Debra DiCianna, Choice Ballast Solutions, Senior Compliance Engineer at