The Coast Guard Marine Safety Center issued the 10th Ballast Water Management System Type Approval Certificate to Wartsila Water Systems, Ltd. After a detailed review of the manufacturer’s type approval application, the MSC determined the system met the requirements of 46 CFR 162.060.
The treatment principle of the Wartsila Aquarius EC BWMS consists of filtration with electrolysis during uptake and neutralization at discharge. This approval covers models with maximum treatment rated capacities between 250 m3/h and 4,000 m3/h. Click here for a complete list of USCG Type Approved BWMS. Redacted copies of all completed type approval certificates are also available.
Choice has directed more than 250 BWMS projects covering most vessel types.
Choice Ballast Solutions offers consulting and advisory services specifically for compliance with ballast water management (BWM) requirements. These include: Compliance Strategy and USCG Extension Applications; Fleet Retrofit Assessments; Feasibility Studies and BWMS Selection; 3D Scanning & Vessel Surveys; BWMS Design Engineering, Detailed Design; Project Management; and, Operations, Training & Testing Services.