On April 9, 2020, the USCG published MSIB 14-20 “COVID-19: Ballast Water Management (BWM) Extensions” due to disruptions in the supply chain and workforce due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The USCG has developed guidance based on the length of time needed for the extensions.
Extensions requests up to 12 months – Applications will need to be submitted identifying the ship but supporting documentation is not needed. This is not considered an interim extension, and additional time should not be expected.
Extension requests for greater than 12 months – Applications will need to be submitted identifying the ship plus supporting documentation that includes:
- Proof of purchase,
- Third-party documentation from a shipyard or BWMS manufacturer that a delay due to COVID-19 issues occurred, and
- Plan for installing the BWMS, including previously completed items and schedule for completion of the BWMS installation project.
This extension procedure also covers the need for extensions to upgrade USCG accepted Alternate Management Systems (AMS) on ships.
Choice Ballast Solutions has extensive experience with USCG extension applications. In the past few weeks, we have been granted many successful extension applications (short and long-term) due to COVID-19 issues. Please contact Debra DiCianna (ddicianna@choiceballast.com) for additional information.