
USCG Type Approval Updates

Choice Ballast Solutions staff at BWMS retrofitThe USCG has issued its 34th Ballast Water Management System Type Approval to the Kuraray Microfade II BWTS. The treatment principle of the Kuraray MICROFADE II Ballast Water Treatment System consists of filtration with chemical injection treatment at uptake and neutralization during discharge. This approval covers six models with maximum treatment rated capacities between 250 m3/h and 2,000 m3/h.

USCG BWMS Type Approval applications have been received from the oneTank BWMS manufactured by Glosten Inc. and the Seascape BWMS manufactured by Elite Marine Corp.

A complete list of ballast water treatment systems that have been approved or have type approval applications currently under review can be found on the Marine Safety Center webpage

Extensions of a vessel’s BWMS compliance date are granted to shipowners who have documented that, as of the application date, compliance using a USCG Type Approved system is not possible. Choice Ballast Solutions (Choice) can prepare and deliver the information required to submit an extension application with a timeline that outlines the steps to be undertaken. This includes:

  • Technical issues
  • Feasibility studies of available BWMS for your fleet or vessel
  • Proof of BWMS acquisition
  • Proof of contract with drydocking facilities
  • Proof of contract with engineering firm with estimated timeline
  • Detailed design
  • Class approval and documentation